Tag: signs

  • Taiwanese sign

    I really like Wulai (烏來) in Taipei county and try to get up there whenever I can. On one trip I snapped a picture of a very odd sign. It’s in Taiwanese and some form of pinyinized aboriginal language. I would guess it’s Atayalnese (The Atayal being the natives in Wulai), but can’t quite be…

  • Baby in Car

    Spotted this on the back of a scooter the other day. I think the fact that they make these plaques for scooters says something (not good) about Taiwanese society. The sad fact is, many people do take their children and infants on scooters, often without helmets (Why buy them helmets? They’ll grow out of them…

  • Grocery Store Engrish

    I spotted this Worm Reminder at the Carrefour shopping center last December. For those of you that don’t get it, it’s supposed to be a “warm reminder.”

  • Random Engrish

    Found this on a poster for a new Jazz club opening up. Honestly, I have no idea how it gets this bad. With dictionaries, online dictionaries, spell checkers in every program, there’s really no excuse. I simply don’t understand.

  • More Engrish pictures

    I’ve had these pictures on my phone for a while and just lately got around to tagging and cataloging them. About time, I guess. First up is courtesy of Bank of Taiwan, one of the oldest banking institutions on the island, with branches pretty much everywhere. I saw this upstairs when I was sending money…

  • Engrish

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve been quite busy both with work and the Chinese New Year, which was quite fun. Time to get back on track with some Engrish. I don’t quite remember where I snapped this sign, but needless to say, they messed up the translation just a little bit.

  • Some Engrish pictures

    In my ongoing DAM Project, I’ve come across a few humorous pictures from times gone by. These have been lying unorganized in various folders and since I’ve recently come across them, I thought I’d put them up here. This first one was from Taipei. Not exactly Engrish, but I thought it was entertaining nonetheless. Taken…